Thou mighty Prince of Egypt. Son of the Pharaoh of Pharaoh's. Gaze down upon the humblest of thy humble servants who has transgressed against thee and heaped ridicule upon thy head. May the memory of my ancestors be erased forever and the memory of my unworthy self remain only in the minds of vermin and the deceased creatures of the Earth. I, who have committed the unforgivable and allied myself with desecrators and nonbelievers implore thee to destroy my body painfully and my soul will pay penance through all eternity.
-- Hashmi Bey
from: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
George Pastell acted as Hashmi Bey
Dickie Qwen appears in this clip acting as the Mummy.
Ronald Howard appears in this clip acting as John Bray.
John Paul appears in this clip acting as Inspector Mackenzie.
Ronald Howard appears in this clip acting as John Bray.
John Paul appears in this clip acting as Inspector Mackenzie.